Olga Kozieł

© Justyna Jaworska

Singing. She has been fascinated by traditional music since 2005 taking part in many musical projects, creating singing and instrumental and experimental groups. Regularly goes for field expeditions seeking forgotten melodies and stories in Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Serbia.She performs on small and big scenes. She sings in ensembles: From the Woods, Sekunda Mała, Pieśni Przejścia, The Golden Thousand; plays the trumpet in Warszawsko-Lubelska Orkiestra Dęta, Orkiestra Jarmarku Jagiellońskiego and Zvanai. She leads the project Volhynia in songs. With the projects Pieśni Przejścia and Volhynia in songs she released albums. Grand Prix winner of Polish Radio competition in 2019 with the group Lumpeks.

Website : olgakoziel.pl




    Agenda - Olga Kozieł

    More info 27 July 2024

    Festival Entrelac, La Pointe du Raz (FR)

    More info 21 August 2024

    Lado Na Wsi, Warsaw (PL)

    More info 23 August 2024
    Lumpeks "Polonez"

    Festival Re:Tradycja, Lublin (PL) with Maria Stępień, Ewa
    Grochowska, Filip Majerowski and Piotr Gwadera